When you click on a course you are enrolled in, you will arrive at the eClassroom.

The eClassroom is divided into three key areas:

The Stage features instructions for how to proceed when you arrive in the eClassroom. It is also where the course video plays along with accompanying Power Point slides.

The Course Outline allows you to review the course material or skip ahead. It also shows you where you are in a course. (Note: Some courses do not allow skipping ahead.)

The Activity Window contains your options for deepening your understanding of the course materials by providing tools to [FINISH]...

  • The Note Pad tab provides space to keep notes about content.
  • The Facilitator Engagement tab is the place to go to communicate one on one with your Course Facilitator (Note: This feature is only available when there is a facilitator assigned to a course).
  • The Discussion Forums provide opportunities for you to communicate your ideas about the course content with your fellow participants.
  • The Reflection tab is the place to answer the Reflection Questions
  • The Transcripts tab contains a complete transcript for every video segment (Note: The transcript tab will only appear during video segments).